
How you can support our work

Whether you support our work via a sponsorship, through a single or monthly donation, a legacy bequest or donation of securities, or the donation of your time by volunteering, we are grateful. We truly could not do this work without you.


When you sponsor a donkey or mule, you support their recovery and ongoing care. You can sponsor a donkey (or mule, of course) for yourself or for someone else as a gift. Find out more here.


To achieve our mission, we rely on the support of individuals like you, who share our commitment to donkeys. Donations may be made as a single gift, or on an ongoing monthly basis. However you are able to support our work, we are grateful. Visit our Donate page here.

Planned giving: Wills & bequests

By making a gift in your Will to the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada you can perpetuate your support for the animal welfare work in which you believe so strongly. Learn more about making a legacy gift to the DSC here.


Volunteers of all ages and abilities lend their time, ability and energy at the DSC and form a large part of the work that we are able to do. Visit our Volunteer page to learn more about volunteering with the DSC.

Other ways you can support the DSC

About the DSC

This photo shows a woman and a young boy patting a donkey over the fence at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada

The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada is a not-for-profit licensed charity. Our mission is to provide a lifelong home to donkeys, mules and hinnies that are unwanted, neglected or abused and we promote the responsible stewardship of all animals through humane education. We envision a world in which the dignity and worth of all creatures are recognized and respected.

How your donations help

Volunteer with us

Volunteering at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada is a rewarding experience. Plus, donkeys!