Mothers’ Day

Mothers’ Day
Looking for an unforgettable Mothers’ Day gift?


This Mothers’ Day, celebrate the special mom in your life with a gift that gives back. Instead of flowers that fade or chocolates that disappear, support the donkeys and mules at the DSC with a donation in her name!

Here’s how it works:
✨ Make a donation in honour of Mom.
✨ We’ll send her our special Mothers’ Day card to commemorate the gift. (Or we can send it to you to present to her yourself.)
✨ And if you’d like to bring Mom for a visit on Mothers’ Day (May 11), you’ll receive a discount code for 50% off Mothers’ Day admission tickets – valid for as many people as you would like to bring that day.



About the DSC

This photo shows a woman and a young boy patting a donkey over the fence at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada

The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada is a not-for-profit licensed charity. Our mission is to provide a lifelong home to donkeys, mules and hinnies that are unwanted, neglected or abused and we promote the responsible stewardship of all animals through humane education. We envision a world in which the dignity and worth of all creatures are recognized and respected.

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