Molly’s antibiotic treatment: success!

Molly’s antibiotic treatment: success!
After antibiotic treatment, Molly was back to her normal self

Near the end of May (2024), we noticed Molly wasn’t her usual self. After a visit with the vet and a blood test, it was discovered that Molly had an infection. She was put on antibiotics, and we were so happy to see that once she finished her treatment, she was back to her normal self.

Molly is a 36 year old hinny who was rescued from an animal auction and has been at the DSC since 1993. Despite her gentle nature when relaxed, she’s always been a bit wary of human contact, hinting at some mistreatment in her early years. But over the years at the DSC, she has gained confidence and trust and now she loves a good grooming session!

Molly is truly special, and we’re so happy to see her healthy and thriving again. And let’s not forget her best friend, Miss Jenny (see them below, hanging out together as they so often do). These two are inseparable and it’s such a joy to see their bond.

A photo of Molly and Miss J, two mules at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada

About the DSC

This photo shows a woman and a young boy patting a donkey over the fence at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada

The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada is a not-for-profit licensed charity. Our mission is to provide a lifelong home to donkeys, mules and hinnies that are unwanted, neglected or abused and we promote the responsible stewardship of all animals through humane education. We envision a world in which the dignity and worth of all creatures are recognized and respected.

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