Home for the Holidays
As we come together for this holiday season, we’re reminded of the simple joys of being home—a welcoming place of warmth and safety. For the 95 donkeys, mules and hinnies on The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada (DSC) farm and the 85 donkeys on DSC Host Farms, “home” is more than just a shelter for these deserving animals; it’s a community that welcomes them with open arms, providing care, companionship, and peace.
In 2024 alone, the sanctuary became a new home for 20 equines who, each in their own way, arrived here in need of healing and a fresh start. With your support, we were able to provide them with that special place they needed—a place to be safe, cared for, and free from the hardships of their past.
Among our new residents this year are donkeys who have come from various situations, each with a unique story. Like Phoenix, a wild burro adjusting to life within the sanctuary’s embrace, who now knows the gentleness of human care.

Or Luigi, rescued after neglect, who has made great strides in his recovery and learned to trust again. Each of these donkeys has found their sanctuary home, thanks to the kindness of supporters like you.

This holiday season, we invite you to join us in celebrating the joy of a second chance. With a gift to the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada, you’ll ensure that our donkeys, mules and hinnies continue to experience the warmth and security of a place they can truly call home. Your kindness helps us provide veterinary care, nutritious food, enrichment activities, and most importantly, the compassion and attention each of the animals deserves.
As we welcome winter and celebrate the spirit of the season, know that your support has given the donkeys a gift beyond measure—a home where they can live out their days surrounded by those who cherish them.
Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with love, peace, and the warmth of home.