Born: 2011
Southwestern Ontario
Admitted; 2015
Jennet (female donkey)
Before arriving at the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada in 2015, Sugar, her mom Minnie and brother Brody resided at the Storybook Gardens in London, Ontario. When the Animal Barn was closed in early 2015 a new home was sought for the three donkeys and the DSC was contacted. We were happy to welcome this sweet little donkey and her family.
Sugar and her mom Minnie spent some wonderful years at one of our loving Host Farms. When Minnie started to have some ailments due to her age, the two donkeys returned to the Sanctuary Farm in early 2025. Unfortunately, Minnie passed away shortly thereafter. We watched Sugar closely for any signs of stress after the sudden loss of her mom, however she seems to be doing well and is slowly integrating back into the group dynamics here at the DSC farm.
Thank you for helping us to care for Sugar during the forthcoming year.
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