Donkey care articles and resources

An image of donkeys grazing in a pasture at The Donkey Sanctuary of Canada to illustrate the page called Donkey Care

We’re pleased to share the knowledge and resources we’ve gathered from our years (since 1992!) caring for donkeys and mules at our sanctuary. From day-to-day care to dealing with chronic or acute concerns, we’ll add to this library of resources over time, so please check back regularly to see updates. 

Not just horses with long ears

While donkeys and mules bear an obvious physical likeness to horses, they are unique in many important ways. This uniqueness has a significant impact on how we must care for them. Specifically, there are four main areas of donkey health that are often misunderstood—nutrition, behaviour, veterinary care and hoof care. A vital part of the Donkey Sanctuary of Canada’s mission is to educate our community about these differences. We hope you find the articles and resources we share on this page useful.

Oliver’s hoof taps

In 2021, we noticed the hoof wall on Oliver’s hind hooves was wearing down unevenly. Our farrier suggested hoof taps to prevent uneven wear

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